Scope of Review. Our agency will review only the insurance requirements contained in the contract. In performing this limited review, our agency is not providing legal advice or a legal opinion concerning any portion of the contract. No lawyer-client relationship is created by our review of this or any other contract. We strongly suggest that this contract be reviewed by your own legal counsel.
The scope of our review will be to determine if the current insurance program which you have placed through our agency addresses the types and amounts of insurance coverage referenced by the contract. We will identify the significant insurance obligations and advise you of any changes required in your current insurance program to meet the requirements of the contract. At your request and upon your authorization, we will make the necessary changes in your insurance program.
Our agency is not undertaking to identify all potential liabilities that may arise under this contract. This review is provided for your information, and should not be relied upon by third parties. Any descriptions of insurance coverage(s) are subject to the terms, conditions, exclusion, and other provisions of the policies and any applicable laws or regulations.
Disclaimer of Liability. In no event shall our agent and its related, affiliated and subsidiary companies be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the limited contract review.